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>>Hey , come here you must leave me a comment or like , ahbo i eat eu xD. thankyou :3 <<

Follwer :)


H E A R T B R E A K E R < / 3 ?

haihsss , why aqn , tell me why aqn .

what eu want , what ii qive . but why just keep on to say many unreasonable thing ?

eu just make me disappointed & regret aqn . eu know ?

when ii with eu , sadness thing have more than my happiness .

ii think if not me . other girl already can't handle anymore . eu may know .

My love not a JOKE . can't take it to play . '

when ii don't promise eu the thing eu just say . ' i don't love eu . ' . hey , if i don't . i won't choose to qet eu aqn .

yea eu change . but change to more hard to understanding .

i'm easy . i just need your love enough . i don't need more .

but your love are hard to understand . what eu want . i have no idea .

heyy , don't treat me nothing . ii not only eu like . there still qot other guy likes me .

don't when that day you lose me only treat me qood .

Please , i love you more than other qirl . friend call me let qo . i don't listen bout . cos ii love you .

don't make my tears drop everyday . ii worried about eu . till my heart pain . but all eu don't listen about .

can i control eu ? i can't /.\ ii not like ling they . qot a boy treat them as a babe . but what am i ?

Haihsss .... don't b my HeartBreaker boy . the feel so pain . < / 3

