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>>Hey , come here you must leave me a comment or like , ahbo i eat eu xD. thankyou :3 <<

Follwer :)

About Me ツ

My Name   Angel Chiang Siew Tong 鄭筱彤- Real . 
                  Kwami Mok Xiao Tong 巫筱彤- Fake . 
My age change every year . (2011) 14 
Constellation is lovely Libra 天秤  
Ie am a Cow . but ie hate eat vegetable - -
Ie dun even know what my blood -3-
Born in 28th september 
Study at SMK Pusat Bandar Puchong (1)
Lives in Puchong .
Imma in a relationship with my love . ツ 
Know Speak Cantonese ; Chinesse ; Hokkien ; Broken english . 
Ie am a stupid and lazy girl . ie like exciting thing . 

Facebook Link : Click it :) & Click this too :)
Twitter Link : Click it :)


- Sleep . ツ
- Face the comp . ツ
- Outfit with beloved friend . ツ
- Listen HIT music . ツ
- Chocolates . ツ
- Suet Cha . xP
- Saying bad word . xP
- Kap zai kap luii . ツ 
- Play . ツ
- Lo Kwong Ming


- Shopping . ; Talking true d:
- People make me cry . :@
- People kacao me when ie am seriouly . :@
- Someone like sohai . :@
- Stranger come find eu . :@
- Alone . :(
- People Ignore me . :(

That just me ツ

ie am form 2 normal girl .
ie am not pretty at all . 
ie am not prefect .
ie am not famous . 
not everyone also like me . some guys hate me . '(
but ie will stay friendly with them . ;)
ie like to joke . somepeople angry for easy - - 
ie have no idea to my broken english. so ie keep practice of it . but about my chinesse . that's GREAT .  
ie hate malay . ie not really know to speak malay . and ie don't know what tehy talking bout by malay . so ie hate it . 
ie am active . ie love monkey bcos ie am a monkey :)
ie love my friend . my beloved jimuii . my beloved darling . my beloved family . my beloved PANDA family . & ie love my boy ♥

That just only me :) 

