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>>Hey , come here you must leave me a comment or like , ahbo i eat eu xD. thankyou :3 <<

Follwer :)


Outfit * 7 July / Sunway

MyEm0.Com ALOHA ! I'm back ! ♥ 

Today , ii wake up , ii'm still sad bcos ii can't qo with my PANDA friend ;< then , my mom say she want out . ii ask , where you qo ? she say SUNWAY . ii say : I WANT GO ! ' Go lah xD Hurawwww ! 

Then , my parent qo 拜拜 ' ii qo with them , till 2 liddat only qo sunway . so late :<
ii qo take back my phone - W705 ' Ohyea ! 
only qo find them , ii reach starbuck ii dunno why ii can't find wong kok =/= ii find lonq time , ii qo out find , wt ? only find it . =/= so STUPID :<

Then , they just start to celebrate xD 时间刚刚好不迟也不早 xD 
there qot : Michelle , Ling , Xuan Jin , Kal hoong , Jiawei , Kenny , Coco , Jiachyi , Ginstee , Weisheng , Lucas , Cheehong . 
They call the GIANT TEH aqn . xD

My boss ; The Birthday Boyy  
This picha take from michelle there . cos my phone still can't on :<

Then , me & michelle & coco & jiachyi at the toiler take photo xD Linq not here . 

Three of us  

ii just find 1 :< nevermind , better than don't have .

Then , we qo outside toiler take picha with all PANDA . 

Have no idea what daddy doinq . xD 

Panda Picha !  X8 take it , so blurrrr :<

Yenqq right ? ii mean the light xD

i just showing my teeth , birthday boy bside me :D

you can't see me XD me take picha with daddy  

still qot alot , at jiachyi phone :< nevermind . when she upload i'll post the link to here d:

Then , Michelle qive xuan jin a pinky bear bear xD so cute xD 

But , he sick :< so bad . me & michelle qo buy panadol to him , michelle pay d: then , coco qo buy food to him :D 

so happy la u ! ♥ 

at last . still need say a HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you la boss ! ♥ 

Buaixxx d: 

