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>>Hey , come here you must leave me a comment or like , ahbo i eat eu xD. thankyou :3 <<

Follwer :)


✪ 4

About of friday :)

ii qo out on 10 liddat with hoiyin car . then we reach there , had no on there . Sienssssssssssss =/=

Thennnnn , wait till 12 liddat Benard come xD we talk alot thing , his bought a cigarette name - SKL . * ( Sinkalan ? xD ) it smelly =/= name what cherry mentons d . ii take it & try to smoke it xD but benard scold me XD Muahahaha . SOT =/=

then , till 1 something liddat . Mr.turtle finally come xD then ii saw them talk . bored =/=
awhile , ii saw .... ii saw ............ II SAW TEO ZHI LING !  OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG ! ♥
ii just run to she then HUG she ! ♥ sibeh happy to saw she . ♥

then she qo where ii qo where . ii qo to say hello to my kahkei ahjie & dionn ii qo back to our PANDA group to sit

today , ii accompany ling , so , ii din qo school =/=
LOL , ii wanna call my boy come join , but he qo to school ald . :< sangat sad :<

then , we cichat till we qo bus stop . PANDA talk . after that . T508 come , we just qo up . then . to IOI .
they play midnight . me & ling qo play the game name : 乐动魔方 ' ii play bfore , ii know it's nice , ii call ling play xD

then , they qo amazon , ling pull me to IOI walk . we qo our old place : MC - Donald . '
i'm hungry . :< ii qo order , ling pay money d: cos my wallet at turtle there . no idea , i have forqet to take =/=
then , ii meet a friend . My boy they friend , ii just meet she 1 time . now ii saw she . ii talk to she . ii ask she where is amazon , she tell me bside maybank . execute me . that is universe . =/= ahleii , whateva lah . wait till ling friend come then we qo walk around .

Linq friend call - Xiao dut . ' Kaiye qf , ii dun even know . LOL !

ii meet she & know she on today , WOW , she's friendly & talkful xD

NICE one ! we walk around to jesco , then we qoinq to Snooker . she qo away to find her friend , me & linq qo to snooker play ownself :) still is linq pay money d: we play 1 . first time ii win xD

second time . is the snooker waiter name - xian jie ' wanyi ex . pay money xD actually ii call d xD so friendly xD free 1 more xD muahahaha

then , till 5 .50 we qoinq down , ii qoinq to find them . linq saw her mom , so , she & xiao dut back with her mom . ii flyinq to the bus stop . when ii qo up to the footbridge . T508 ald come . ii flyinq down . Hewww . luckily ii went it ! xD

then , just back to food court chanqe clothe & wait . till they come down . we all talking at there . till all student come down . ii say bye to my darlinq then ii back .

so sad that my boy din come . miss him badly . back home ii call him . ii miss his voice babe ♥
kehee xD END

Opps , forqet to thanks mr.turtle to help me take the bag whole day ! ♥ 谢谢国政弟弟 :) xD

Sat / 23 . 7. 2011 .\

this not saying my thinq , ii talking my mom . today she wake she call me take the red wine come up , & she drink it , ii saw her hand . qot a scar . she cut her hand .. .. heyy , the first time ii care my mom .

i wanna tell my mama this . ":
对 ,  也许阿爸最近都很迟才回家 . 不过 , 不要乱想好吗 ? 你这样只会令自己更憔悴 , 也许我不知道你们大人的心是怎样的 , 但是我知道爱 . : 爱他就要相信他 ' 一起在心里乱想的 , 有用么 ? ' 你女儿我不是看不出的 . 你心情一天比一天差 , 阿爸心情越来越不好 , 越来越迟回家 , 这是你想要的吗 ? 有时候 , 不要把自己逼得太紧 , 放轻松 可以看清一切 . ' 不要一直想着 : 他对你不好 . 他不关心你 . 他外面有别的女人 . 他不应该是你爱的人 . ' 但是 , 你都嫁给他了 . 现在才来想这些干嘛 ? 有时候放松自己 , 给自己一个休息的时间 . 不要把自己锁在一个角落头 . ' 看着犀利人妻的时候 , 一直说一直讲 . ' 如果你换个角色来想想 . 你会开心么 ? 别那么颓废 . 你不爱他 , 你不会那个伤心 那么紧张 . 不要傻到去自残 . 那是白痴才会做的行为 . 要是他真的不爱你 . 他是不会去关心 . 就算你死在他面前也无补 . 不要把他锁得紧紧的 . 不要一直说什么第三者 , 男人怎样对女人坏的事情 . 换做你男人这样告诉你 , 你又会怎样 ? 有时候 , 换个角度 , 所看到的都不同 . 你的眼泪开始越来越多 , 经常听悲伤的歌 . 就连傻子都看得出 . ' 不要再乱想了 . 我会担心 . 真的 ...

妈 , 不要逼自己那么紧 , 放开一点 . 好吗 ? 我都支持你 :) 我爱你 ♥

