1 2 3 4
>>Hey , come here you must leave me a comment or like , ahbo i eat eu xD. thankyou :3 <<

Follwer :)


✪ 5 High ! *

Yellow Buddy ! :D

Today wake morninq . :) qo to food court find my son :) then , leang & ahfong come . they say want celebrate david birthday . ii with them :)

wait ald 2 hour he only come . xD then they qo buy beer . ii forqet what name dy . but they say very Concentrated . LOL . ii aqree . 

ii just drink alittlebit ald feel drunk =/= wt ? then , me & benard qo CC . he's too drunk , so he sleep . :)
after 1 hour . ii qo down . then david they qo buy 3 carlsberg . me & him & ahfong . ' dui zao ' benard still rest-ing . :)

the first time ii feel so drunk with friend xD feel qood ! ! but when ii back house my neck qot many 生酒诊 :( 痒死我 :((

Thenn , till 1 liddat , my boy comecome :D yerhhh . so happy nia d: 

we qo universe . ii watching on he play games . ii huqqinq him when he play . keep huq . 
ilikethefeel ♥ feel so sweet . & ii like ♥

then , he back with his friend . ii waiting for ba they . suddenly , ii can't find my phone ! Godsssssssss ! where my phone . ii find once & once agn . but ii can't find it ! :< T____________T

till they out , ii also haven find my phone :( this time ii die le :(((((((((

then , ba call my boy come , cos he haven bac :< ii feel so sad :<

back to school , ii call ba bring me qo buy a new sim card :) also can call 3 free :D

ii borrow ba money then ii bought one number is : 0162773454 ♥

Yeahhh ! but my 705 :((((((( imissit ! TT


Sandara - KISS ♥  


Outfit * 7 July / Sunway

MyEm0.Com ALOHA ! I'm back ! ♥ 

Today , ii wake up , ii'm still sad bcos ii can't qo with my PANDA friend ;< then , my mom say she want out . ii ask , where you qo ? she say SUNWAY . ii say : I WANT GO ! ' Go lah xD Hurawwww ! 

Then , my parent qo 拜拜 ' ii qo with them , till 2 liddat only qo sunway . so late :<
ii qo take back my phone - W705 ' Ohyea ! 
only qo find them , ii reach starbuck ii dunno why ii can't find wong kok =/= ii find lonq time , ii qo out find , wt ? only find it . =/= so STUPID :<

Then , they just start to celebrate xD 时间刚刚好不迟也不早 xD 
there qot : Michelle , Ling , Xuan Jin , Kal hoong , Jiawei , Kenny , Coco , Jiachyi , Ginstee , Weisheng , Lucas , Cheehong . 
They call the GIANT TEH aqn . xD

My boss ; The Birthday Boyy  
This picha take from michelle there . cos my phone still can't on :<

Then , me & michelle & coco & jiachyi at the toiler take photo xD Linq not here . 

Three of us  

ii just find 1 :< nevermind , better than don't have .

Then , we qo outside toiler take picha with all PANDA . 

Have no idea what daddy doinq . xD 

Panda Picha !  X8 take it , so blurrrr :<

Yenqq right ? ii mean the light xD

i just showing my teeth , birthday boy bside me :D

you can't see me XD me take picha with daddy  

still qot alot , at jiachyi phone :< nevermind . when she upload i'll post the link to here d:

Then , Michelle qive xuan jin a pinky bear bear xD so cute xD 

But , he sick :< so bad . me & michelle qo buy panadol to him , michelle pay d: then , coco qo buy food to him :D 

so happy la u ! ♥ 

at last . still need say a HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you la boss ! ♥ 

Buaixxx d: 

✪ 4

About of friday :)

ii qo out on 10 liddat with hoiyin car . then we reach there , had no on there . Sienssssssssssss =/=

Thennnnn , wait till 12 liddat Benard come xD we talk alot thing , his bought a cigarette name - SKL . * ( Sinkalan ? xD ) it smelly =/= name what cherry mentons d . ii take it & try to smoke it xD but benard scold me XD Muahahaha . SOT =/=

then , till 1 something liddat . Mr.turtle finally come xD then ii saw them talk . bored =/=
awhile , ii saw .... ii saw ............ II SAW TEO ZHI LING !  OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG ! ♥
ii just run to she then HUG she ! ♥ sibeh happy to saw she . ♥

then she qo where ii qo where . ii qo to say hello to my kahkei ahjie & dionn ii qo back to our PANDA group to sit

today , ii accompany ling , so , ii din qo school =/=
LOL , ii wanna call my boy come join , but he qo to school ald . :< sangat sad :<

then , we cichat till we qo bus stop . PANDA talk . after that . T508 come , we just qo up . then . to IOI .
they play midnight . me & ling qo play the game name : 乐动魔方 ' ii play bfore , ii know it's nice , ii call ling play xD

then , they qo amazon , ling pull me to IOI walk . we qo our old place : MC - Donald . '
i'm hungry . :< ii qo order , ling pay money d: cos my wallet at turtle there . no idea , i have forqet to take =/=
then , ii meet a friend . My boy they friend , ii just meet she 1 time . now ii saw she . ii talk to she . ii ask she where is amazon , she tell me bside maybank . execute me . that is universe . =/= ahleii , whateva lah . wait till ling friend come then we qo walk around .

Linq friend call - Xiao dut . ' Kaiye qf , ii dun even know . LOL !

ii meet she & know she on today , WOW , she's friendly & talkful xD

NICE one ! we walk around to jesco , then we qoinq to Snooker . she qo away to find her friend , me & linq qo to snooker play ownself :) still is linq pay money d: we play 1 . first time ii win xD

second time . is the snooker waiter name - xian jie ' wanyi ex . pay money xD actually ii call d xD so friendly xD free 1 more xD muahahaha

then , till 5 .50 we qoinq down , ii qoinq to find them . linq saw her mom , so , she & xiao dut back with her mom . ii flyinq to the bus stop . when ii qo up to the footbridge . T508 ald come . ii flyinq down . Hewww . luckily ii went it ! xD

then , just back to food court chanqe clothe & wait . till they come down . we all talking at there . till all student come down . ii say bye to my darlinq then ii back .

so sad that my boy din come . miss him badly . back home ii call him . ii miss his voice babe ♥
kehee xD END

Opps , forqet to thanks mr.turtle to help me take the bag whole day ! ♥ 谢谢国政弟弟 :) xD

Sat / 23 . 7. 2011 .\

this not saying my thinq , ii talking my mom . today she wake she call me take the red wine come up , & she drink it , ii saw her hand . qot a scar . she cut her hand .. .. heyy , the first time ii care my mom .

i wanna tell my mama this . ":
对 ,  也许阿爸最近都很迟才回家 . 不过 , 不要乱想好吗 ? 你这样只会令自己更憔悴 , 也许我不知道你们大人的心是怎样的 , 但是我知道爱 . : 爱他就要相信他 ' 一起在心里乱想的 , 有用么 ? ' 你女儿我不是看不出的 . 你心情一天比一天差 , 阿爸心情越来越不好 , 越来越迟回家 , 这是你想要的吗 ? 有时候 , 不要把自己逼得太紧 , 放轻松 可以看清一切 . ' 不要一直想着 : 他对你不好 . 他不关心你 . 他外面有别的女人 . 他不应该是你爱的人 . ' 但是 , 你都嫁给他了 . 现在才来想这些干嘛 ? 有时候放松自己 , 给自己一个休息的时间 . 不要把自己锁在一个角落头 . ' 看着犀利人妻的时候 , 一直说一直讲 . ' 如果你换个角色来想想 . 你会开心么 ? 别那么颓废 . 你不爱他 , 你不会那个伤心 那么紧张 . 不要傻到去自残 . 那是白痴才会做的行为 . 要是他真的不爱你 . 他是不会去关心 . 就算你死在他面前也无补 . 不要把他锁得紧紧的 . 不要一直说什么第三者 , 男人怎样对女人坏的事情 . 换做你男人这样告诉你 , 你又会怎样 ? 有时候 , 换个角度 , 所看到的都不同 . 你的眼泪开始越来越多 , 经常听悲伤的歌 . 就连傻子都看得出 . ' 不要再乱想了 . 我会担心 . 真的 ...

妈 , 不要逼自己那么紧 , 放开一点 . 好吗 ? 我都支持你 :) 我爱你 ♥



Aloha , ii''m here aqn , ii'll just stay a few minute . when ii finish this stupid short post . ii'll shewww away to facebook d:

okayy , today KHB . ii qo to the Bilik Masak to perpare . when ii reach there . =/= NO ONE HERE except the teacher .

then my classmate come in . ready they thinq . : My classmate all indian & malay . ' ii feel so alone :< ii keep waiting for they come . :) finally 1 ppl come . & tell me : i can't find xiao linq they . ' =/= wtf ? ok then .

few minute pass , finally they come .  :)
then they told me . : WE HAVE NO PERPARE ANYTHING . ' whaddat ? don't have perpare then you only eat sos & mee ?

luckily , 1 malay stupid qirl qive us 1 onion . =/= so speechless . but it's better than what also don't have . ii cook . ii chop . ii be responsible for anythinq . :) but ii like ! :D

done th sos . then waiting for teacher mee . :) ii no wonder why they suddenly qet a hotdoq . whateva . ii just cook it . when ii finish it . ii ask them , Fuiyee tell me . they take from the refrigerator . LOL . ZD . xD

then , after that . finally the mee done . then . : EAT ! '
ii eat many =/= cos it's hunqry that time d:
Muahaha . finish our pasta . we have to wash it all . yeqhhh . so lazy nahh :<
then , is time to qet out from the bilik masak . :& ii'll miss you ! T________T

then , ii qo down . only do 3 thinq , Waiting for ba to take my phone , Talk to friend , then qo uncle car .
today qot qirl settle thinq =/= Jiayee .

friend tell bcos of Turtle . a qirl like him , then his qf bushuang . qo find the qirl . she still DDY . =/= ii hear it also feel want slap she . ( i'm just jk :> )
afterthat , ii back home . :) 

我喜欢你 ;比喜欢自己还喜欢你。

here a sonq to share . it's nice 




# 3

 School life . * 

When ii wake . ii saw my dad taking my phone . =/= when ii see the clock ald 1149 ! Ohnoh !

ii see my msq , ii just say : OHMYMAMA ! ><

ii qo prepare as fast as ii can . =/= when ii done . uncle ald come . :) Hwuhsss . d:

then ii straight qo to bus stop , waitinq for my darlinq . when time up's just qo up .

when at class . ii borrow my friend book . ii use 1hour44min done the whole book . qot 400+ paqe , my friend say me : YOU ARE CRAZY ! ' d: then ii watch another book . just few min . ii done another book . because ii have watch some bfore just continue d:

Then , finish all book . no book to see . =/= ii sleep . 1hours have pass . another teacher class . then she keep call me wake up to copy what she write . for the projek . ii use ' DRAW ' to finish it . :D

then rehat , my 2 cute darlinq can't rehat , cause they haven finish they thinq . then ii qo eat & qo find hoi yin to tell she SORRY ><

then , GEO . ii keep talk with friend , then just a few min ald PJK . ii have no idea why the time pass so fast .

ii qo up & find my darlinq . & qo down to the dewan . but teacher macam no come . so we just keep walk around . d:

we saw a indian qirl ; when ii qo there . ii just can hear jiachyi ask she .

' you like weisheng ? 
' yea , he's leng zai . 
' vishaak also leng zai mah . 
' i more like chinesse guys . 

Bwahahaha xD Our weisheng keep qot ppl like xD Indian qirl also like him le xD

then , BI . ii qo in . then sit just a few second ! teacher say . qo out to dewan . =/=

whaddat ! =/= then . penhinpunan , me & ching & michelle keep talkinq & write somethinq . d:

then ald finish school . ii qo down bus stop & ii saw ! ONG SENG KIEN !

ahleiii ! qor qor ! ❤

iimisshim muchh ! now ii only can see him ! he take out a wallet to me . that's what he wanna qive me ;)

ignore me . focas on the wallet ! <;3

iloveit so much ! #
Thankiew my lovely qor qor ! < 3

bfore ii have say the end . ii need to vent my emotion . :

YOU LIE ME ! i have people liarinq on me ! but you did !

you pontenq , it's okayy . but you just lie somethinq to me ! :<



# Tao 道

Today , ii wake ald 12 somethinq . ii know it's late d: 

then mom say qotta qo out . then we out . bfore outing . take a picha from today ;)

Peace 1 #
at car * Sunshine * Peace 2 #

Okayy , after that . we qoinq out to Topikana City . * wish ii din spell wrong >< *

my dad qo do his work , me & my mom & my aunt qo for shoppinq . actually we just walk . =/= 

ii walk into a socks shop , my mom bough a socks . =/= cos she wearing spotshoe . 

then ii saw this . : Panda Socks ' . Shoo cute . xD  and ii take a photo for it , & me d:

Cute Panda Socks #

Peace 3 #

then ii qo to watson bough a contact clean . & qo to a chocolate shop bough a chocolate . it's expensive !

after that . 5 somethinq . my dad brinq us to another place . ; Damansara '

then we pass from full house , my bro keep call me help him take a photo , okay then . ii take it !

it's small * My brother there . #

 Then , we qo to a japenese restaurent .  name : Tao 道 . #

Tao 道 #
we just qo in & start our dinner d: that time just 5 . 30 // ald for dinner . need eat 2 hours . =/= bcause this is Buffer .

ii forqet this call what , but it taste not really qood . d: ↓

Wasabi . #

Dessert #

Dessert 2 #

My drink * Green Tea #

abalone #
The Hotdog is Tasty . other idk d:

Oyster #
Unaqi Rice  #

Salmon wid papaya . #

Here the tissue :)

My ice-cream * Green tea + Chocolate # 

idk what's this but mom say it's taste bad ! d:

Sushi + Peanut #

My brother just eatinq his ice-cream . #

This sushi , ii eat 3 time d: #

lala #

Somepicha of me & my aunt :)
Peace 4 #

With my aunt * Peace 5 #
 after dinner , ii qo top up for my boy then mom ask want qo karaeok ? ii ' YEA !

bfore that , let have some picha ;)
with my aunt aqn * Peace 6 #

Peace 7 #

After we HIGH from Karaeok . xD we back . then ii qo talk phone with my dear . then , qo have a sweet dream le d: 

END of today #