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Follwer :)


✪ 15 Short Updated .

Ehmnm . i'm here right now baby d:

Sorry for that nothing to do then come updated lahrr . talk about my mood nahrr .

actually my mood were - SUPER BAD ' know what ? yea . HIM again .

you know ? actually i know he don't know english that's why i write english post . because i don't want let him know . but some friend told him . IHATETHEM . why should say out ? you tell his friend . his friend also will tell him . this call BROTHER . whateva , i HATE . -.-

Alright , did i say before i'll never scold him again ? yea i did it . GOD DAMN IT . why i say it bfore ... -.-

but , i'm not going to scold him . this time . i SAY him :]

Haihs . -.- i missy temper ? yea i admit . but which girl did not have missy temper before . all must got . -.- but the hell . you scold me . know ? SCARY lahr o-o

And , if you think i really care that present . ok . think by yourself . until now . your mind still thinking about you're only my temporary boyfriend . ok boy . let me tell you . ' when the first time i tell you , you're my only one . then you are really one of my heart . ' why should think other ? yea . i know i'm . i'm the one who like to simple think about anything .

you know what ? when you talking phone with me . i hear you clicking your keypad . i'm thinking . who you sms with ? or when you go out with me . you keep sms . i'm also thinking . who you sms with . i waiting for your xplain . but you didn't . ya i know . cause i never say out . except when i ask you .

alright . many thing you don't know . a girl . like to think . no matter is good or bad . if you're with she . you should treat she good . no matter is she say couple with you or you say it . when she was your . you should treat she good . but did you ? i feel some nia .

like today . you wake . you call me . i feel happiness that time . but when night . you change . i have really no idea why you change so fast . ? it's because got your friend there so you need to act like that you can control me ? aikss . whateva . but when you send that sms to me . i feel my heart is break ? you know why ? when your lover send you that . you 'll only know my feel :]

everything if can endure . ok . i do it . but if can't i told you my real feel . but i get what ? your scold . your ignore . haihss . whatchu want ?

when the day you say couple back with me . i have already think . you change ke ? yea . you did change . become more hard understand . LWAO ! why a boy heart also hard to understand ? god tell me why T-T god sleep . it didn't tell me why . @-@ SIAO !

AWR ! i think you already have no no patience to continue listen what i wanna say right ? ya . i think yea . you know ? i really want to shout out all my annoyance . or find my darling to say it all . but i know . nobody wanna know . cause i'm only a people always make people feel happy , feel funny . after that . forget about me . yea . that's my life . if really got a person listen it all . i sure he/she will say me too stupid . why because a guy like this to make yourself so pity ? yea . i admit i'm stupid . but i just can't stop loving him .

Haihss . Stop here lahrr  Bye & Night . updated my Hiking trip & ioi shopping tomorrow if i'm not lazy to do that . :]

