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>>Hey , come here you must leave me a comment or like , ahbo i eat eu xD. thankyou :3 <<

Follwer :)


✪ 16 Hiking & IOI

Well , Today hiking with my dear daddy them :] okayy , today 0610 daddy morning call me wake up . HOHOHO xD then i go prepare my thing . after that i sms spoony then i go to guard house wait for him /.\ then , we go there meet kenny , ginstee , lucas , weiyang , waikien . then start hiking .

ok , i gotta tell you that . when only start . i already got a little bit tired . LWAO ! - - how to continue all ?
then they let me have a rest they only start hiking . then . just like this . go up & up . the ground ahr ! sangat wet to me lahr . /.\

i walk awhile rest awhile . all say too slow too slow . mamii . you must know . i first time climb lah . D: forgive me lohr . then finally . let me brace to the check point . ' Rest 10 min like that . only go down . Kenny & Weiyang don' know go where GAY already . walk so fast . /.\ then down is still okay lahr . waikien they keep say why so long time haven out this jungle ? - - LOL . '

Finally . 9something let me walk out this jungle . all at the stone there sitting . you know why ? they want LC that aunty xD

in this process , they keep say TONIGHT the jump /.\ and at the stone there listen ' Sexy and i know it ' you must join 1 time . you'll b crazy . i say i don't want to hiking again . but actually . i still wish i going again xD

here the picha xD

Funnyyyyy xD

My Face Wasn't Ready ! DAMN YOU camera man !

Alright , i'm done . Ignore me ! with daddy :]

Kay , after that , we walk to michelle house . they say want swim . then when michelle come down . the guard told she . ' 游泳池在装修放料很多药不能用 ' LWAO ! - - nevermind . but michelle i rmb you . bfore i leave still bit me T-T GODDAMNMICHELLE !

they say go Akasia . i say i go DG then i straight go back home . ' then like this . i go home . - -
when i reach my house . 1030 lahr . WOW . Bath as fast as i can . then go blow my hair . xD then after i have done my prepare then i on the comp . play awhile . i look outside . is gonna rain . so , i gotta go out now . luckily when i out . got 21 . go to there . still haven rain . :D

Alright . Change Chinesse . :] this's make sure my dear know what i write .

Ok , 我去到IOI我先找爸 . 然後就跟著他走 . 突然我看到外面 . 龟和我老公在外面 . /.\ 我 SMS 他跟他讲我看到他 . Tapi 他没有Reply我 . 然后我就跟着他们到打机场我在那边坐料一下就走人 . 去看衣服 . 没有办法 . 太闲 . 只是想不到 . 看到衣服 . 我更闲 . ! 你要想像 . 衣服对我来说 . 是多么的闲 . ~  然后我去看鞋子 . 我可以跟你讲 . 我找不到我要买的鞋 D: 不是没有Size是没有我要的Pattern咯 . D: 可怜没有 ? 然后我就回去打机场玩一下 . 饼干就讲去新球楼 . 然后我要走到的时候我老公就打来跟我讲他在旧那边 . 如果我要去我就去找他 . 不然我就跟爸他们一直走 . 随便我 . 我虽然懒惰 . Tapi 我也想看到他的咯 . 所以死也死过去咯 . ~

然后去到那边 . 就看他们打球 . 然后那边有志峰 啊龟 还有一个我不认识他 他好像认识我 . ?__? 然后我我我就 Diam diam 坐在一边看他们打球 . 然后等他们打完球就走咯 . ~ 走去打机场看他们玩 . 然后 Hoiyin 跑来吓我 . XD 吓不倒我 XD 然后他们去哪里我都没有跟 . 我跟着那个傻佬 .

过后他们去新球楼跟着去 . /.\ 然后Hoiyin他们叫我去Sense Cafe . :] 我叫Ice-cream吃 . ! 贵咯 . 不好吃的 :P 过后我老公他们来 . Hoiyin他们就不懂去了那里 . 他们就拿牌来玩 . 这个不要紧 .. 恐怖的是 .. 他们拿Hoiyin吃不完的和我吃不完的Ice-cream掺在一起 . 好恶心 ~ !! 然后就玩牌讲输的人喝一口 .

然后我看他们喝到很好笑 . 哈哈哈 . 然后他们要我喂我老公喝 . /.\ 我假假那边 xDD
一直玩到4点多酱 . 他们又去旧球楼 . /.\ 我就看他们打球 . 然后打完就去打巴士 . 我回家他们去14碑 . 然后那个巴士司机真的是有够烂 , 害我一直Pokgai . 鱼到 ~ T-T 回家就睡觉 ~ 哟哟哟哟 ~ 今天晚上有Chatime喝 ~ :D

It's great day ever . know what ? i feel happiness . :]]]

Thankforwatching . and , after you leave . click on my nuffnang please . :]

