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>>Hey , come here you must leave me a comment or like , ahbo i eat eu xD. thankyou :3 <<

Follwer :)


✪ 20 Holiday :3

Oh hi , :3 i'm back . miss me ? :/ ok no :(

我的 Holiday Life . - 睡醒 刷牙 洗脸 打电话 吃饭 等人 跟老公玩 去公园 回家 吃饭 玩电脑 讲电话 睡觉 . '

一直重复又重复 , 都没有的出去 :( 有点可怜 . 不过幸好老公天天来家里陪我 :3 不然我不闷死都焖死 .

还记得星期一 爽死 :3 本来陪老公去 IOI 结果爸爸在我要出之前不给我去将他要去云顶 :( 刚好老公来到了 , 我就想着叫爸爸载老公去 IOI 咯 . 结果要出的时候 爸爸问我 老公要不要去我就跟他讲 . 然后我逼他去 . :@ 哈哈 . 结果他就跟我一起上云顶 . 懂吗 ? 我第一次跟自己心爱的上云顶 . 一个字形容 - 爽 ! 毕生难忘 . 开玩笑 !!

然后到料云顶妈咪爸爸去赌场 , 我和老公带着两个弟弟在打机场 . 我弟弟发脾气 . 老公就哄回他们然后我就跟他讲 : 以后孩子他顾 . 因为我只会骂只会打 . 很有暴力倾向 :$$$然后玩完就去别地方玩 我们本来要走路去结果老公讲有巴士可以直接去 . 我的表情整个很像发现新大陆酱 好囧 /.\ 然后我们就去搭巴士 去到那边 买票给他们玩 . 我跟老公就站在旁边看他们玩 . 然后玩完料我弟弟跑进看4D 两个一起进 一个不要看跑出来 . 结果等料很久 . 我弟弟还没有出来 .爸爸妈妈都赌完钱料 等到妈妈来他进去找弟弟 然后过料不懂几久才找到他 .

然后最小的弟弟讲还没有玩够 妈咪就带他们去玩 . 我就跟老公去走街 . Yipii :3 二人世界 . 我们到处走走到一间店的时候老公进去看东西 . 看看下 , 就买料 :3 Okay . 情侣的手机吊饰 . 你一个我一个 一人有一个 d: 啦啦啦

然后过不久妈咪就打来讲回料 d: 就回料 . 可以跟你讲 /.\ 那里的风真的是大到 . 冷死 :E
在车的时候就睡觉躺在老公的肩膀睡觉 :3 吃完东西就在老公回家 :3

讲完那个 ,有件可怜的事 就是 . 每次的空的拜六都没有工作 不得空的 就有工不能做 惨没有 :((( 连街都出不到 :(((( 哭死 T^T

Sometime something i don't dare to tell you , because i know if i tell you . will change your ignore to me . i don't dare try . maybe sometime i regret what i promise you , not because i want to lie you just because i have no dare to tell you i don't want or what . you feel heart soul but at least you didn't ignore me :))

babe , i wanna tell you . i won't leave you right now . never .. :)



✪ 19 I'm only a fun girl .

Okayy , Hi . i'm not in mood . so , i have no mood to make something to let you all feel that i'm like a idiot .

ok , i have to say . i know my half year is not in school . and i think you all just like estrangement on me . but i know i'm bad . totally bad at all .

in the first half of the year , you all are just important to me . and even what i won't trying to argue with you guys . i make joke . i make surprised when you guys birthday . no matter when , if you guys call me go out where . i try my best to join .  

if who have problem . we all is going to solve it and we're together .
i know i'm rude . but i also trying to stop saying rude word when i with you guys .
i don't know did it everytime make fun with you guy . but i do really have do it before .
although me and you guy not same class . in my class . have no one to accompany me . especially my classmate . but every rest time . i also at the stairs waiting for you all came down . but this's just only 20 minute moment i have with you guys , i'm sad . but lucky is PJK few of you guys are in the same class with me .

every friday , food court with you guys . and some time wait for ling come . but now , ling didn't come anymore . how long we didn't saw she already . she got her friend . on that school . but in this school . i only got you guys . and i treat it so true .

to you all , what am i ? only a joker .

god , i really don't know . i have to say . i already hard to join you guys chat or you guys hangout . i don't even know .

but i you all just still important to me . i wish when someday i need you guys . you all still can bside me . and give me encourage :)


✪ 18 Exam :/

Ok , Now . Exam . Byebye (:

and . wish me good luck . and . wish me find a work high value and very senang one .

thankyou (: xiexie (:

and click my nuffnang ! i force you ! :@